How Does Page SEO Friendly URL Structure Impact Your SEO?

You need to have a fundamental concept of what a URL page structure is and why it is so crucial for your URLs to be built correctly in order to comprehend how page URL structure impacts your SEO.

RL structures and slugs that can enhance search engine optimization and user experience. Additionally, URLs are necessary to maximize user experience. When navigating a website, visitors hover their mouse pointer over the URLs to determine if they wish to click on them and proceed accordingly.

What Exactly is A URL Structure?

Additionally, there are recommended practices for Link Building Culet’s begin by going over the fundamentals so that we can comprehend what a URL structure is. In essence, URL structure describes a web address’s format, which includes the following:

  •       Protocol (HTTP/ HTTPS)
  •       Domain Name (
  •       Optional Subdomains (
  •       Directories ( name)
  •       Specific Resource Identifiers (any specific file name or link to a video or whatnot)

You get the idea: there are a ton of possibilities, and in terms of search engine optimization, the final portion of the URL—also referred to as the slug—is usually more important.

The slug can have two alternative formats: a flat one and a hierarchically structured one. It depends on how it is organized and can be anything at all.

The Importance of URL Structure for SEO

Now, you might be wondering why the URL structure is incredibly important for your SEO. There are a few things that you should know that will perfectly demonstrate the importance.

It Boosts Rankings

The first reason why a URL structure is important for SEO is that it helps with boosting your site’s rankings in an indirect manner. How, you might ask? Well, here is the thing: Google considers the structure of your URLs at the time of determining where exactly to place your sites in search results.

Google examines the URL structure and determines whether it is friendly and easy to understand. It also examines the hierarchy and the relationships between the pages there.

If the users are more inclined to engage with the site and pages, then it will also aid indirectly enhance your website’s rankings. Google receives signals from user behavior, which subsequently affects the website’s ranks indirectly. 

It May Increase the CTR

Users are more inclined to click on descriptive URLs that essentially match the search query. When a person searches for office chairs, for example, and the URL has that same term, it is relevant. Therefore, people are more inclined to click on it.

It Boosts User Experience

The fact that URL structure improves user experience is another factor supporting its significance for SEO. Because they know what to expect, where to go, what page it is on, and where to find it, it is easier for users to comprehend the information before clicking on the link and to navigate the rest of the site

It Encourages Link Building

Having an SEO-friendly URL layout promotes link building as well. The fundamental explanation behind this is that other website owners are more likely to wish to link back to your material because it is understandable and pertinent.

Because it is very clear what the content is about, URLs will essentially tell users exactly what it is about, increasing the likelihood that they will find you.

What Are Some of the Most Common URL Issues in SEO?

When creating the ideal permalink structure for SEO, there are a few frequent URL problems that you may run across. Here are a handful of these problems:

  •       Forgetting to update existing URLs.
  •       Forgetting to redirect old URLs.

Let’s say you adjust the current URL and alter the webpage. To avoid a 404 error in this situation, you must make sure that you “301” or permanently redirect the old URL in order to pass on any link equity that the page or the URL has acquired from other pages and backlinks.

Failing to regularly assess and fix broken links.

It is crucial to regularly monitor your website and make sure that you identify any 404 issues since things might go wrong and someone might forget to redirect a URL that they have modified. Using SEO software can take care of things automatically for you; it will look for and highlight any “404” issues, which is useful.

Therefore, you need to make sure that your URLs are up to current and pertinent to the content on the website. Therefore, be sure to update the URL if you decide to edit or update the topic entirely. 

What Are Some of the Best Practices for SEO-Friendly URL Structure? 

Only Include Relevant Keywords

The first step in creating URL structures that are optimized for search engines is to incorporate easily comprehensible and relevant keywords. Verify if the keywords correspond with the information on that page.

The least you can do is to pick some random keywords. Furthermore, you shouldn’t include a term in the URL just for search engine optimization purposes. You want to make absolutely sure that the keyword is the major topic of the web content and that it is predominant in the URL.

Do Not Use Unnecessary Characters

Avoid using extra characters or parameters when creating URLs in order to make them SEO-friendly and to minimize complexity. Here, simplicity is crucial because the URL should be simple to read and comprehend.

Separate Words with Hyphens

Hyphens are a must for creating URLs that are optimized for search engines. Some people make the error of employing underscores; but, if you only use hyphens in place of underscores, your URL will be search engine optimization friendly. The fundamental idea is that underscores join words together, whereas hyphens separate them, as recognized by Google and other search engines.

Thus, be sure to divide words in a URL using hyphens. The usage of hyphens also makes text easier to read.

Create Concise URLs

Make sure to include brief and informative links in order to optimize the URLs for search engines. Long URLs are difficult for users to remember and require more typing time, therefore you should certainly avoid making them. It will also appear unattractive if it is very lengthy.

You get the idea—you should refrain from using superfluous words. Just make sure that the URL is logical, predictable, and consistent with the content of the site.

Avoid Dynamic Parameters within the URL

Avoiding the use of dynamic parameters is another crucial factor that varies based on how your website functions. This is because it’s one of the most significant guidelines for creating a solid international SEO url structure. In essence, a dynamic parameter is something that appears in a URL when your website instructs users to use the URL to dynamically deliver information.

It’s possible that you’ve come across a URL that has a question mark or an equal sign in addition to numbers, which tells the browser where to go. Dynamic parameters are a feature that you should steer clear of at all costs as they may lead to problems with keyword optimization.

Avoid Stop Words

Words that break the keyword in the URL are called stop words. You frequently have a keyword without a stop word in it. For example, “in” is the stop word and “lawyers London” is the keyword in the sentence “lawyers-in-London.”

Therefore, rather than using “lawyer-in-London,” you should use “lawyer-London” in your URL. You get the idea—stop words are poor examples for URLs. Get rid of them completely and concentrate on the keywords in your URL instead of the stop word, which will damage relevancy and offer extra information.

Limit the Number of Folders

Reducing the number of files and the hierarchy of the website by going as low as possible when needed is another thing you should do. Technically, what this implies is that every single time you have a forward slash in your URL, you go down a level in your website’s hierarchy.

Your URLs become less significant and interpreted, and they get harder to read, the more forward slashes you have.

In order to create a well-designed URL, you may either restrict the number of hierarchies on a website or modify the structure of your URLs to make sure the user is given enough information in a concise amount of time.

Double-Check Case Sensitivity

Your case sensitivity will also be important to consider because it determines the most trustworthy URL. This means that, as a general rule, all of your URLs should be in lowercase. There are occasionally URLs on pages that contain both capital and lowercase words.

Now, in certain places, this could be problematic because if someone enters your URL into their browser without properly capitalizing it, they might see an error page stating that the website cannot be accessed because the letter casing is incorrect.

Since this is how most people arrange URLs in search results, we advise using lowercase to create an SEO-friendly URL.

How to Use URLs to Maximize User Experience

One way to effectively optimize user experience is to incorporate a Google friendly URL structure and make improvements to the URLs. In order to improve website navigation, you want to make the appropriate URL adjustments. You did really read correctly. Better URLs can facilitate and clarify website navigation.

Additionally, you will be more aware of your position within the hierarchy and be able to go quickly up, down, or anyplace you like by simply looking at the URL.

The more SEO-friendly a URL is, or the better it is, the more useful it will be in helping users grasp the content of the website before clicking on it. Potential visitors can determine whether or not to visit by viewing the URL.

Final Thoughts

One of the guidelines you should abide by when it comes to friendly URL structure best practices is to refrain from cluttering your URL with keywords. Don’t stuff your URLs with keywords. Just make sure they are consistent. It goes without saying that your keyword should appear in the URL; nevertheless, avoid stuffing your URL with excessively many keywords and mentioning it more than once. This is a spammy practice, and it will undoubtedly affect your website – not only from Google’s standpoint but from a user’s point of view as well.


What makes a good URL structure for SEO?

A good URL structure uses HTTPs protocol and the www prefix. It also includes relevant keywords and is short and simple to boost readability.

What is an SEO-friendly URL structure?

An SEO-friendly URL structure meets the user’s needs and helps Google understand what the content of the webpage is about. Friendly URLs are typically short and descriptive.

Do keywords in URLs affect SEO?

Yes – but they might not have a major impact on SEO. Still, it is crucial to include relevant keywords to boost the site’s search visibility and boost your website traffic.